Getting Out of Our Box

Getting Out of Our Box

A few weeks ago, we hosted a Thursday night church service at the SMCH property with our local church, Iglesia Bautista Gosen. Our pastor, Melvin, asked Alishia to lead services that evening as we finished up a series on missions.

She did a wonderful job that night relaying the words the Spirit had laid on her heart. Her main theme that night was “Getting out of our box.” That with our life in Christ, many times, we revert to the desires of living comfortably in “our box.” But the Christian life is anything but comfortable most times. The Spirit is calling us frequently, if we are willing to listen, to do things in the name of Christ that often takes us out of our comfort zone. Our lives are full of these uncomfortable moments, but really it is what we do with these moments that help define us. They can help us grow, or they can push us further into our box.

For example, Alishia and I are currently in the states visiting friends and family for Thanksgiving and sharing about the work God has called us to in Honduras, and of course enjoying some much missed American cuisine. If I am honest, this trip is a little uncomfortable for me. Yes, I can’t wait to see my friends and family that I haven’t seen in a year and a half, to spend time with my grandmothers and enjoy a wonderful holiday with them. BUT, we couldn’t bring our foster children with us and they must stay behind with the Bowman’s and some much trusted friends who are taking care of them. We are also leaving behind the community of Santiago and work we both love so much, even if only for a short while. To me, this has been a getting out of the box moment. I have already had many huge ones. Marriage, mission work in a foreign country, fostering kids that speak a different language! But God has brought me through all the difficult times and made me stronger. And while going back to the states may not seem like a huge “out of the box” moment, my trust in the Lord and reaction to my time here is just as important. I can let this time push me further back in my box, or I can let my trust in my father grow ever stronger.

My question for you then is, what is God calling you to today? How is He calling you to leave your box and trust in Him today?

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 

God Bless!  Chris

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