The Bordos riverside villages in Central America are known as some of the world’s most impoverished and dangerous locales. Sparrow Missions works within one particular Bordo community known as Bordos Pedregal. Our goal in this community is simple: Bring hope to the 200+ families who live with few opportunities and in fear of violent and controlling gangs. Sparrow Missions began ministry in this community 10 years ago, and we have seen tremendous growth in the individuals and families living there as well as in the community as a whole.
God has raised up several young adults in this community that are part of the Sparrow Leadership Team (“SLT”) that meets weekly to work on character-building initiatives and continuing to grow as spiritual and community leaders in the areas where God has placed them. One initiative that has grown out of the SLT is a program called Un Camino Mejor (“A Better Path”). This is a community development initiative headed up by these young people to enhance life in their community both aesthetically and spiritually. As a result of the ongoing efforts, we now call this community “Rancho Bonito”, which translates to “Beautiful Ranch”. This name is a reflection of the change that has taken place in hearts, minds and lives, and an opportunity to speak to the change that God can bring about for everyone.
The Sparrow Community Center, located in Rancho Bonito, hosts weekly ministry for children, women, youth and young adults in the community. Sparrow missionaries are on site in the community almost daily leading bible study groups, tutoring classes, and many other activities to continue discipling and building relationships with the residents in this area. Also, many of the children in this community make up the student body of the Sparrow Academy which has been in operation since 2016.